Brianna Doylan

Brianna is amongst the bravest of women, as she tells her side of the hidden life she led, with the husband she loved.

She bares her heart to help other women who may not be coping, though many women live quite happily in the same situation.

Although public acceptance is now much better, it is still, often, the hidden secret, where a man, who has no wish to become a woman, wants to look so much like a woman that he no longer resembles a man.

It is difficult for a wife to understand where she stands in this relationship.

Is her marriage over? Is this an affair – how COULD it be an affair?

And can she accept the other “woman”, Zabina, learn to live with her in order to keep her husband?

Featuring the soundtrack, “Look In The Mirror” by JANUL.

“Man In My Shoes” by Brianna Doylan is published by Hidden Shoe Press. Copyright © 2022 by Brianna Doylan. ISBN 978-1-906921-01-9. Also available in KINDLE.

“Look In The Mirror” by JANUL, Copyright © Janul Publications 1995, UPC/EAN:5063423821124

Video produced by Janul Publications. Copyright © Janul Publications